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Grant Collier

Day 4 Reflection

Day 4 and we are back from the weekend! In fact today was the midpoint for the class,

such a weird thought! Like I said only a few days ago, it seems like with every passing week I

experience a year’s worth of change, development, and improvement!

Over the weekend I developed and reworked my existing educational philosophy as an

assignment. Throughout the recent weeks my passion for education has intensified, and my

belief that every student is capable of math excellence has become the center of my


We also, in preparation for tomorrow’s field trip to the school board, researched and

discussed the hierarchy of school organization. This was an excellent learning experience for

me. I was really surprised at how many different levels there are to the structure of school


We also briefly talked about the election of public school officials and whether election

or appointment of these officials is more beneficial to the system. My own belief is that if done

with correct morals, the governor of the state or whoever is chosen to choose the board should

be able to appoint the correct people who are both invested and capable of holding office. The

things that damper the effectiveness of this way of filling office is if the person choosing

candidates chooses all candidates with the same belief, creating an echo chamber. This can be

very detrimental to the system because without a difference of opinion, proposed laws won’t

be scrutinized closely enough before they are passed.

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